Learn to Read with Digital Guided Reading Boom Cards!
Have you been looking to implement guided reading while teaching virtually or giving your students the opportunity to practice reading independently? You will LOVE these Guided Reading Boom Cards! They provide lots of word work practice and audio support to help your students feel confident when learning to read!

One way to help your students learn to read fluently is by focusing on one short vowel word family at a time. We practice this skill by using short vowel texts that offer plenty of sight words and repetition. I like having different reading resources on hand for my small group times, so these Digital Guided Reading Boom Cards are great to incorporate into your routine! Let’s take a look at how they’re set up!
Using Boom Cards
Boom Cards are slide decks that students use to practice skills. They click through the decks, answering questions as they go. If they answer incorrectly, they are notified. When they finish the set of slides, they can go back through the deck to try again. The Boom Card Decks are extremely interactive, self-checking, and easy to assign and grade. They are the new teaching craze and kids and teachers love them!

Boom Cards use audio support so that our little kindergartners can complete them with minimal help. They click on the audio button to hear instructions and listen to any words on the screen. Boom Cards are super easy to use on tablets, Chromebooks, laptops and more. Not to mention, with distance learning, students and families can use them at home to supplement learning. Both parents and teachers can access these fun learning tools!
Using the Guided Reading Boom Cards
These Digital Guided Reading Boom Cards help students practice their reading fluency whether they are learning virtually or in the classroom. Each deck focuses on a specific word family and 4-6 sight words. The decks are set up like an entire guided reading mini-lesson.
First, the students will be introduced to the word family they will be focusing on. They will have the opportunity to sound out and read the CVC words in isolation before seeing them in the story. The decks also provide audio support so they can hear the word being read if they are working on the decks independently.

Next, they will review the sight words that they will also see in the story. These are set up in the same way as the focus CVC words, so they can practice reading the words in isolation first, tapping the black dot if they need extra support.
Then it’s time for the interactive word work practice! They will practice reading and building the word family words using onset and rime. They’ll sound out and read the word, then press the speaker inside of the star to check their work. There are 4 slides to practice this skill.

Reading Practice with Boom Cards
After reviewing the short vowel words and sight words in the story, they will start working on reading! They will begin by reading 3 CVC words from the story and dragging the picture that matches the word to the box.
Then they will read the story, one sentence at a time. These were designed to help the students really apply their decoding knowledge to read each sentence. It also includes audio support if your students need that. If you’d rather not have them use the audio support, simply turn the sounds off on the Boom Deck!

After they finish reading the entire story, they will practice reading the story in its entirety for fluency. This page does not have any audio support so that they are really practicing reading independently. They will read the story 3 times and drag a star over each time they read it.
Finally, there are two slides at the very end to practice reading comprehension. The students will recall or retell parts of the story they just focused on. They will either identify the characters from the story, identify the setting, and/or retell the story using first, next, and last picture prompts.

We have had so much fun using these Digital Guided Reading Boom Cards and I can already see a huge improvement in my little readers! You can find these digital readers in my Guided Reading Bundle for both Boom Cards and Google Slides!
They focus on specific word families for all the short vowels. I hope these are helpful to you with your small groups in the classroom or for at home learning! You can check them out in my shop below.
CVC Words Decodable Readers Kindergarten Small Group Reading Books