Wow! I can’t believe 4 weeks of summer school has come and gone! I wanted to share some of the fun activities we did. You will recognize a lot of them thanks to blogland ๐
We wrote about the 4th of July on American Flag paper
We graphed our favorite summer food thanks to
Mrs. Becker
We made our own American flags like UCreate
We made the cutest little summer people thanks to Erica Bohrer!
We wrote about the 5 senses at the beach
We made pushpin art! This one was so much fun! They used a pushpin to outline the shells and then held it up to the sun! So cool!
We earned our Popsicle Party! and then did a writing activity on popsicle adjectives thanks to Andrea
We colored summer themed sight words that Angela shared
We wrote about where our feet take us in the summer {my second favorite one!} like Mrs. Saylor blogged about
And we colored and washed Rainbow Fish!
And this is an excerpt from an email that one of my summer school moms sent to the director of summer school
“Attending a summer school program was not his idea of summer fun, but to my surprise, he reported to everyone how much fun he’s having in his summer program. ย In addition to the fun and warmth atmosphere she had created, Ms. Maor offered a true Jump Start to first grade program. ย Throughout the day at home, I would over hear my son practicing the coins song, and counting by five. ย He would also go around the house showing us how to tell the time with the clock he had made at school. ย
Every day, he would bring back an amazing amount of work papers and crafts that he had done in class. ย I could tell that he was enjoying the class assignments because of the quality of his work (typically, his quality will deteriorate with boredom or lack of interest in the material).ย
Ms. Maor did an amazing job of covering so much material in such a little time while keeping the kids interested and excited. ย My only regret is that she won’t be my son’s first grade teacher for next year. ย From my experience, I feel that a teacher has the greatest impact on a child’s education; he or she can instill a positive attitude towards school or create an aversion. ย As much effort as we put in to improve a state’s education’s system, a school district’s education philosophy or a specific school’s reputation, the classroom teacher possesses most of the impact on a child’s educational and social emotional development. ย With Ms. Maor in your district, you have an outstanding teacher who possesses a winning combination of being friendly, approachable, genuine, warm, and can keep kids excited and motivated about learning.”ย
I would say my job is done! Happy Summer everyone!!