Mother’s Day Gift Recipe Books

This year as a Mother’s Day gift, our class made some adorable recipe books! My teaching partner has been making these for years and they are so much fun!

Mother’s Day Recipe Books

Each kid tells us their favorite meal that their mom makes them. They tell us the ingredients needed and then the directions on how to make the recipe. They are hilarious!

After each kid shared their recipes and I typed them up, I gave them a post it note to draw a picture of them and their moms making their favorite meal. Then we stuck the post-its on each page and made enough copies to make a book for each kid.

My absolute favorite that I didn’t get a picture of was a recipe for Cheerios. A handful of Cheerios and a handful of milk is all you need ๐Ÿ˜‰ I just adore the minds of 5-year-olds!

Mother’s Day Cards

We also wrote little cards to our mothers. After we used our very best handwriting, we traced over the pencil with black felt tip markers. This is very enticing ๐Ÿ˜‰
We decorated the cover of the card with a tear art flower. This was our second time making tear art flowers so we were pretty much pros ๐Ÿ˜‰
They turned out so cute and I hope the moms loved them!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible moms and caregivers out there! Thank you for all that you do!!!

Mother’s Day Craft

You can also find my favorite Mother’s Day Craft {a purse full of fun facts about mom!} in my shop.
Mother's Day purse craft