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FREE Sight Words Center Your Students Will Love!

I am always looking for fun ways to keep my students practicing reading and spelling their sight words. I recently created this free sight words center so I wanted to share it with you today! The words are editable so you can switch out the words your students are working on and you’ll have a whole new, engaging center! Here’s a look at the sight word freebie and different ways you can use it in your classroom.

Roll and Write

If your students are like mine, they love to use dice during center time. There’s something about rolling the little cube and watching to see what number pops up that gets them excited!

For the roll and write activity, simply print off the pages and place them in a tray or bin. Students roll the die and find the word that matches the number rolled. After reading the sight words, have students write the words on their recording sheet.

One tip I have for activities with dice is to put the dice into small condiment containers. Students shake the containers instead of tossing the dice across the table or desk. You can find small clear containers as the dollar store and pretty much every grocery store.

Star Search

This activity is essentially read around the room. I wanted to give it a fun name to go with my Space Themed Math & Literacy Centers. To use this activity, just print the free sight words center out and hang the cards up around the room for students to find. I like to laminate them so I can reuse them again later in the year or in future years!

Students walk around the room with a clipboard searching for the star words. They write the words they find on the printable recording sheet. You can have them find either 6 or 12 sight words, depending on their skill level. For an added challenge, I tell my students to pick a few words and write sentences using those words on the back of their paper.

The Sight Words Centers are Editable!

There’s something super cool about these sight word centers! They are in an editable PDF which means you can type the sight words you need directly into the file! You will need to open this in an Adobe reader in order to edit (opening in preview on a Mac will not work).

After you type your sight word list, it will auto-populate and create an instant sight word center! You can print the center and change out the words whenever you need to. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

You can save and print a variety of lists for your students to use. This is a great way to differentiate for the many levels of learners in your kindergarten classroom!

I love finding ways to make reading and writing sight words fun! These free centers will help your students to practice reading and writing their sight words any time of the year.

Looking for more centers? This free download is from my Space Themed Math & Literacy Centers which includes 17 math and literacy centers you can use any time of the year! They come in both color and black & white!